

The International Saikei Association is a Member based organisation and we need your support to support you as you grow in your appreciation of the art of Saikei.  We are seeking to recruit as many Members at all levels of experience to make the International Saikei Association an organisation that represents a broad community of developing artist.  What ever your experience, where ever you call home join us as we move forward in our understanding of Saikei.

As an international association we welcome Members from around the world to enrich our understanding of the material available and develop the national tone of Saikei in a supporting community.  

The Association believes that the richness of this diversity is important and desire to support a Saikei presence in as many countries in the world as possible.  This will ensure that the art of Saikei is appreciated by as wide an audience as possible. This richness of presence will see the enrichment of the art of Saikei.

The benefits of Membership:

We will continue to develop the benefits of membership and welcome suggestions.  The present benefits are as follows:

  • Saikei networking opportunity
  • Development guidance
  • Regular electronic newsletter
  • Style Sheets
  • Learning Support
  • Library References List
  • Discounts with selected Traders

Membership allows you draw on a library of learning resources for Saikei and the opportunity to study towards one of the many certificates in Saikei. You will also receive a dedicated monthly newsletter that focuses entirely on Saikei.

If you wish to join the International Saikei Association please click on the link and send us an email and we will be happy to send you the relevant forms.

Why not contact us